HR Business Partner Conference

Embracing Change: Focusing on industry innovations and becoming a leading HRBP in an evolving World of Work.

Rapid shifts in the workplace mean that HR Business Partnering has taken on a completely different shape,
which requires it to focus on looking ahead to shape the modern workplaces of the future and prepare
Organisations will require agility, productivity, collaboration and innovation if they are to respond well to changing
environments, disruptors and digital changes. For this reason, HRBP’s understanding of the business is critical.
Working proactively with business leaders on resolving various workplace challenges and coming up with strategies to
move the organisation forward in the changing world of work has never been more important.
This HR Business Partners conference will address the issues organisations are facing, including current trends,
disruptors and economic challenges, while assisting HR Business Partners to align employees and management goals
with business objectives in designated business units. Our speakers will share their expertise, practical case studies
and solutions to help HR Business Partners implement necessary change within their organisations, keep up with the
latest trends going forward, develop good business acumen and enhance growth in their roles.

Additional Details

Administrator - Albertus, Mrs. Alvira Liesel

Sub Category -

Audience - HR Directors, Managers and Practitioners

Objectives - N/A

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 305568

Event ID -

Composite ID - 305568

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

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