Personal Financial Wellness
This is a hands-on practical entry level course in the basic principles and practice of sound personal financial management.
Practical case studies and the use of a specially developed computerized simulation with what-if facilities will enable the student to apply the principles, techniques and methods covered in the course to obtain the skill and knowledge for implementation in his or her personal life.
Additional Details
Administrator - Albertus, Mrs. Alvira Liesel
Sub Category -
Audience - Staff with job grades 9-13
Objectives - To understand the concept and importance of Human WELLNESS and the role of Financial WELLNESS in it. Demonstrate an understanding of the principle to first save then spend. Demonstrate an understanding of the principle to take control of your finances and personal budgeting. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved in managing your debts. Demonstrate an understanding of the principle to grow your wealth bit-by-bit. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved in applying sound investment and saving techniques. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved in protecting your assets.
Success Criteria -
Duration -
Course ID - 273573
Event ID -
Composite ID - 273573
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner -
Course Owner Email -
Course Owner Phone -