Boundary setting in the workplace

To think deeply about how they manage their everyday home and work lives. The workshop will focus on the types of boundaries and the importance of boundary setting. Participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences of boundary setting that has worked for them and we will look at some of the experiences that may not have been as successful. Finally, we will explore the skills and strategies in managing healthy boundaries within the current context of uncertainty.
Boundary setting can be understood as an act of respect to the self and others. In the current context of a global pandemic, where we are needing to care even more for ourselves and others, the act of boundary setting can prove a crucial aspect in maintaining our mental health and wellbeing.

Additional Details

Administrator - Mamabolo, Ms. Mamoshibudi Sara

Sub Category -

Audience - All staff members

Objectives - Boundaries are an essential part of life, and the skill of boundary setting is crucial to maintaining our emotional and overall wellbeing. Without boundary setting, we can easily fall victim to burnout. This is even more crucial as part of a 21st century lifestyle when our personal, career and family lives have become fast paced as we all struggle to some degree with finding and maintaining a healthy balance to thrive. The skill of setting healthy boundaries for ourselves has become even more paramount as we try and navigate our way through a global pandemic. As a result of living in a crisis, and being suspended in a growing era of uncertainty, together with the inevitable collapse of the boundaries between our private, academic, and occupational selves, boundary setting has become a critical skill in managing our wellbeing amid internal and external turmoil.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 285569

Event ID -

Composite ID - 285569

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