Advanced Blended Teaching, Learning and Assessment

This short course is designed for the teacher of the future, from new lecturers to more senior academics from all disciplines, with a keen interest in teaching and learning on the one hand, and digital technologies on the other hand. This fully online course will include presentations of theoretical evidence-based concepts, models and frameworks, good practices, inspiring examples, practical illustrations, and interesting (open) resources, combined with hands-on exercises.

Additional Details

Administrator - De Villiers, Miss Magrieta Elizabeth

Sub Category -

Audience - Teaching academics and professional support staff that are actively involved in the delivery of HE courses.

Objectives - After completion of the course, the participants will be able to: - Describe the fundamentals of active and blended learning and apply them into a classroom, a fully online and a blended learning environment; - Search, assess and use up-to-date learning technologies in order to improve their own teaching; - Design, develop and implement meaningful learning experiences in order to activate learners; - Apply action research for reflection on their own practice as a teacher in the digital world.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 289569

Event ID -

Composite ID - 289569

Total Cost - 0

Total Duration - 1 Year(s)

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

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