AI in Higher Education
This group of ULUs is based on the comprehensive AI in Higher Education StellenboschX course. The themes included are:
1) Reimagine HE teaching in the age of AI
2) HE learning in the age of AI
3) HE assessing in the age of AI
4) HE teaching in the age of AI
5) Values for HE in the age of AI
Additional Details
Administrator - De Villiers, Miss Magrieta Elizabeth
Sub Category -
Audience - Any staff member interested in this topic
Objectives - 1) Is generative AI the much-needed opportunity for higher education (HE) to reimagine teaching, learning, and assessment practices to prepare our graduates for the uncertain futures that lie ahead? To answer this, we'll delve into recent developments and concerns in the landscape of HE and AI and ask what it is that our graduates will need in an AI-infused world where our relationship with machines will become crucial. 2) Consider the impact of generative AI on higher education learning, emphasising the need to maintain AI-resilient and transformative learning experiences. Participants will have the opportunity to critically evaluate their learning opportunities to ensure that grappling as learning is taking place and that students are engaged in the knowledge-building process. 3) How to use AI tools in assessment to develop student abilities like critical thinking while incorporating sustainable assessment practices. It focuses on using AI for feedback, exploring different assessment methods, and keeping student learning at the core. The ULU acknowledges the challenges and emphasises using AI responsibly alongside human expertise. 4) For the lecturer all the insights about the general state of higher education, learning, assessment, and values in the age of AI come together in this ULU about teaching. We will explore how to think about integrating AI technologies into teaching, explore what can be done before, during and after teaching and in the process learn about different AI systems and approaches. We will think critically about the future of higher education teaching but also provide a good foundation on which to build our pedAIgogical adventures. 5) To provide a reflective space where we can critically evaluate a network of values to guide our discussions and possible use of AI in HE and, more specifically, within our SU context. These values can be aligned with and framed through the existing concept of Academic Integrity, which will be our starting point.
Success Criteria -
Duration -
Course ID - 314568
Event ID -
Composite ID - 314568
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner -
Course Owner Email -
Course Owner Phone -