Basic SUNLearn self-paced training

This self-paced online training opportunity will provide a completely new person to SUNLearn with an overview of the basics, functionalities, tools, and activities.

Additional Details

Administrator - De Villiers, Miss Magrieta Elizabeth

Sub Category -

Audience - Staff members who create and/or update academic SUNLearn modules.

Objectives - At the completion of this training opportunity, the participant will be able to: Confidently navigate the SUNLearn interface Add content to a SUNLearn course. Add and understand the most used basic activities/tools available on SUNLearn that will assist staff with their teaching, learning and assessment objectives. Set up and apply activities that will enhance student engagement and collaboration on SUNLearn.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 288570

Event ID -

Composite ID - 288570

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


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