CHEC Creating the Executive-Edge Senior Management Programme
Creating the Executive-Edge Programme (CEE) has been
developed by, and for, the universities in the Western Cape and
is presented under the auspices of the Cape Higher Education
Consortium (CHEC). The Programme is designed to meet the
strategic needs of senior and executive management in HEIs in
the Western Cape. The Programme is designed for deans, deputy
deans and senior or executive directors appointed to executive
positions in HEIs.
Additional Details
Administrator - Albertus, Mrs. Alvira Liesel
Sub Category -
Audience - The programme is intended for the senior and executive manager and director at the levels of deans, executive deans and executive or senior directors.
Objectives - The value of the CEE (Creating the Executive Edge) lies in the development of strategic leadership who values transformation, communication and performance engagement. To this, the Programme follows a framework for human-centric leadership in turbulent times. There are four aspects in support of this: the ability to build trust and create a psychologically safe workspace, to recognise and align meaning and purpose between people and organisation by understanding the self, to grow and develop people through coaching and mentoring and to have systems view before acting. To this, human-centric leadership during volatile times, focuses on (1) Changing the conversation and ensuring emotional safety by understanding the self; (2) understanding and working with change in diverse forms of leadership, re-introducing communication and creativity through systems thinking and systems dynamics.
Success Criteria -
Duration -
Course ID - 292569
Event ID -
Composite ID - 292569
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner -
Course Owner Email -
Course Owner Phone -