CHEC Creating the Leading Edge Management Development Programme

The Creating the Leading-Edge Programme (CLE) has been developed by and for the universities in the Western Cape and is presented under the auspices of the Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC). The Programme is designed to meet the capacity development needs of academic and administrative middle managers and to create effective networks for the key managers at the universities. The Programme is designed for academic heads of departments, heads of research entities, and support/professional staff managers. Typically, the participants will have at least a post graduate qualification and more than five years' work experience as a new or existing manager in their positions.
Middle managers are highly valued and critical resources in higher education (HE). To meet the challenges of the complex and changing HE environment in South Africa and globally, these managers need continuing professional development to remain at the edge of developments in higher education. Given the generic nature of some of the developmental needs of middle managers at its member universities, CHEC develops and hosts the CLE Programme through sourcing specialist facilitators in various areas of expertise to present cutting-edge knowledge to the cohorts joining the CLE Programme.

Additional Details

Administrator - Albertus, Mrs. Alvira Liesel

Sub Category -

Audience - The target group is middle management (job levels 8 to 5)

Objectives - The value of the CLE lies in the identification and development of courses that address cutting-edge needs for the academic and support management function. Courses are annually reviewed and renewed to ensure that the contents and context remains relevant to the middle manager. The focus of the CLE is on engagement and dialogue and participants are encouraged to participate in the discourse to share experiences and build mental models of implementation in their respective work environments. This in turn, provides a strong foundation for the Western Cape and the South African national education system in building an innovative regional higher education system.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 273571

Event ID -

Composite ID - 273571

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

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