Communicate as a professional
This short course offers an introduction to the communication knowledge and skills that professionals need to complete various communication tasks successfully.
Additional Details
Administrator - Delport, Ms. Selene
Sub Category -
Audience - If you need guidance and practical tips for business communication, then this short course is for you!
Objectives - After completing this course, you will be able to: - analyse communication messages using a method known as the four-sides model of communication - recognise and critically assess the argumentation in communication messages - make your oral presentations even more engaging - prepare and structure more effective professional conversations and apply basic techniques
Success Criteria - Attendance
Duration -
Course ID - 215569
Event ID - 1213859
Composite ID - 2155691213859
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner - Pieters, Mrs. Elizabeth Michelle Michelle
Course Owner Email -
Course Owner Phone - 0218082812