Communication par Excellence

By producing high-quality written communication, you automatically contribute to the professional image of your business. This online course will assist you in improving your ability to communicate clearly and confidently.

Additional Details

Administrator - Grobler, Ms. Cornelia Ingeborg

Sub Category -

Audience - This course is for anyone who wants to ensure that their business writing adds to the professional image of their company.

Objectives - By completing this course you will: - gain the skills to communicate purposefully and effectively in English. -have the opportunity to write a range of clear, concise, and professional texts. - have the opportunity to explore language use, tone, sentence construction, clarity of purpose, audience needs and the writing process with your fellow course participants.

Success Criteria - Examination after Course

Duration -

Course ID - 161567

Event ID - 1213862

Composite ID - 1615671213862

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner - Pieters, Mrs. Elizabeth Michelle Michelle

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone - 0218082812

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


Date And Time

2025-05-06 to




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