Conversations to encourage behavioural change in the workplace
This course introduces participants to a new, evidence-based communication approach that evokes change readiness in people – usually employees – called motivational interviewing (MI).
As a conversation partner, you could encourage someone to see why change would be beneficial to them – in the workplace as a professional, but also in a family environment or as a friend.
Additional Details
Administrator - Delport, Ms. Selene
Sub Category -
Audience - This course is for anyone who would like to strengthen people's own motivation for necessary change in a particular environment.
Objectives - Through this course you will gain some practical experience with interview techniques that can help tilt a person's ambivalence, felt toward the options they have, in favour of change.
Success Criteria -
Duration -
Course ID - 294568
Event ID - 1213865
Composite ID - 2945681213865
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner - Pieters, Mrs. Elizabeth Michelle Michelle
Course Owner Email -
Course Owner Phone - 0218082812