Crafting confident presentations

This is a hands-on course that will empower you to develop and present impactful presentations. You will learn valuable presentation principles and gain thorough theoretical and practical knowledge of the art of presenting.

Additional Details

Administrator - Delport, Ms. Selene

Sub Category -

Audience - This course is for anyone who want to tackle presentations with ease, confidence and elegance.

Objectives - In this course you will learn to: - reflect your personal signature and style in your presentations - understand the significance of voice control, body language, gestures, posture, and functional movement to captivate your audience - practise visual and vocal cues, to communicate confidently.

Success Criteria - Examination after Course

Duration -

Course ID - 153569

Event ID - 1213866

Composite ID - 1535691213866

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner - Pieters, Mrs. Elizabeth Michelle Michelle

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone - 0218082812

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


Date And Time

2025-04-01 to




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