Cutting-edge business report writing
This online course will equip you with techniques to write state-of-the-art business reports. You will identify the main purpose of a report and learn techniques for shaping it into a strategic tool.
Additional Details
Administrator - Delport, Ms. Selene
Sub Category -
Audience - If you are responsible for reporting on business-related activities or compiling and presenting business reports, then this course is for you! This is not an entry-level course and report writing experience is required.
Objectives - The course will help you to: - understand what content should be included in business reports - focus on nitty-gritty language skills needed for effective business writing - learn how to engage your audience - select and structure information - use formatting, self-revision and editing to enhance your report
Success Criteria - Examination after Course
Duration -
Course ID - 155567
Event ID - 1213868
Composite ID - 1555671213868
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner - Pieters, Mrs. Elizabeth Michelle Michelle
Course Owner Email -
Course Owner Phone - 0218082812