Fire training
This training course is designed to assist workplace firefighters with basic workplace firefighting and basic fire prevention. This basic fire fighting course will enable employees to fight small fires in the workplace using basic fire fighting equipment.
Additional Details
Administrator - Jezile, Mrs. Kunjuzwa
Sub Category -
Audience - Employees - University of Stellenbosch
Objectives - The purpose of this basic fire fighting training is to give participants skills, knowledge and expertise that will enable them to identify the conditions capable of causing fire, know how to use a fire extinguisher, respond appropriately to fire emergencies and follow the fire evacuation plan.
Success Criteria - Attendance
Duration -
Course ID - 181568
Event ID - 1211859
Composite ID - 1815681211859
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner - Pienaar, Mrs. Chantel Chereldine
Course Owner Email - ccpienaar@sun.ac.za
Course Owner Phone - 0218089063