Helping students with thesis writing

This 12 hour course covers different aspects of thesis writing. Helping a student through the process can be a complex and demanding task. We look at how students can approach writing the different sections of the thesis. During this course we also analyse how writing works in terms of coherence, cohesion and flow.

Additional Details

Administrator - Delport, Ms. Selene

Sub Category -

Audience - Lecturers working with students in their final years of undergraduate programmes and lecturers working with postgraduate students.

Objectives - In this course you will see some common difficulties students face when writing a thesis or dissertation. You will work with sample material that will equip you to identify problems and help students resolve them and also to see situations that are not problems, but simply processes.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 28565

Event ID -

Composite ID - 28565

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

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