HERS-SA Academy

Higher Education Resource Services South Africa (HERS-SA), is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO). It was founded to address the critical shortage of women in senior positions in the Higher Education (HE) sector in South Africa. Our activities include, inter alia, professional development workshops, advocacy, research, coaching, mentorship and networking opportunities, and our premier event, the HERS-SA ACADEMY.

Additional Details

Administrator - Albertus, Mrs. Alvira Liesel

Sub Category -

Audience - Senior female employees (job grades 8-3) who currently hold a leadership position in a HE institution or who wish to prepare for leadership position in a HE institution.

Objectives - Once again a unique opportunity is offered for women to shape their own programme to suit their development needs. Each morning the delegates will enjoy hearing from plenary speakers chosen for their Higher Education expertise. Afternoons will be devoted to professional development workshops pre-selected by the delegates. Evening dinners are networking opportunities enhanced by the contributions of inspirational women who share their life and career stories.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 273570

Event ID -

Composite ID - 273570

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://sun-e-hr.sun.ac.za →


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