Introduction to Blended Teaching, Learning and Assessment

These Upskilling Learning Units (ULUs) are aimed at teaching academics and professional support staff who are actively involved in delivering HE courses, accredited short courses, or staff training and development. The ULUs are designed to be fully self-paced and SUNLearn badges will be allocated once completed.

Additional Details

Administrator - De Villiers, Miss Magrieta Elizabeth

Sub Category -

Audience - Teaching academics and professional support staff that are actively involved in the delivery of HE courses.

Objectives - After completion of these ULUs, the participants will be able to: - Describe the field of educational technology; - Apply the theoretical grounding in terms of the key aspects associated with blended learning; - Apply their developed practical and context-specific skills in the integration of learning technologies in the curriculum;.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 289568

Event ID - 1142858

Composite ID - 2895681142858

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner - De Villiers, Miss Magrieta Elizabeth

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone - 0218089905

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


Date And Time

2024-06-01 to




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