Money Sense

This is a hands-on practical basic course in the principles and practice of sound personal financial management and is ideal for
people who have no or little knowledge of how to manage money and finances, do budgeting, deal with debt and who are
struggling to live within their monthly financial means.
This course covers absolute essential and critically important topics and skills required to change the financially over- indebted
situation of the average household and consumer in SA, also to change the current attitude and values towards wants, needs and
lifestyle. It will empower people to become financially smart and plan to save, live within their income and become debt-free.
The focus is on achieving a positive cash flow in the short term, and start with a regular monthly savings plan for a cash reserve.

Additional Details

Administrator - Albertus, Mrs. Alvira Liesel

Sub Category -

Audience - Staff with job grades 9-17

Objectives - Demonstrate an understanding of the concept to first save- then spend. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept to take control of your finances, record spending and do budgeting. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts involved in managing your debts. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts involved in protecting your assets.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 273568

Event ID -

Composite ID - 273568

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

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