PR like a Pro: Writing for the media
This course will equip you with tools and techniques to write confidently and effectively on different media platforms.
Additional Details
Administrator - Pieters, Mrs. Elizabeth Michelle Michelle
Sub Category -
Audience - This course is for you if you want to elevate your writing of promotional material, in-house publications, news stories, media releases and social media posts.
Objectives - This course will help you to understand the importance of telling your story well, in language that is easy to understand. You will also learn about improved writing style and effective writing strategies and techniques. Furthermore, you will acquire an overview of current ethical issues and understand the importance of accuracy and checking facts.
Success Criteria - Examination after Course
Duration -
Course ID - 197568
Event ID - 1213872
Composite ID - 1975681213872
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner - Pieters, Mrs. Elizabeth Michelle Michelle
Course Owner Email -
Course Owner Phone - 0218082812