Race: Why Can't we just Talk about it?

Difference in race between people has always been recognised and felt in groups but
rarely is it ever openly engaged with or discussed. Raising issues of race or racism at
work often creates a deep discomfort, anxiety, and fear for all involved. Quick fix
interventions or short-term performative actions fosters resentment, anger and even
greater mistrust, fear and disengagement between employees and towards the
organisations. The workshop will explore why we can’t talk about race, how we defend
against the fears and anxieties that race brings up and suggest ways to intervene within
organisations, ensuring authentic conversations and lasting impact. The objectives of this
workshop will explore the following: the main anxieties that race evokes in groups and
organizations, a psychodynamic understanding of defences to cope with anxities around
race, and ways in which to talk around race within an organization.

Additional Details

Administrator - Mamabolo, Ms. Mamoshibudi Sara

Sub Category -

Audience - All staff

Objectives - Difference in race between people has always been recognised and felt in groups but rarely is it ever openly engaged with or discussed. Raising issues of race or racism at work often creates a deep discomfort, anxiety, and fear for all involved. Quick fix interventions or short-term performative actions fosters resentment, anger and even greater mistrust, fear and disengagement between employees and towards the organisations. The workshop will explore why we can’t talk about race, how we defend against the fears and anxieties that race brings up and suggest ways to intervene within organisations, ensuring authentic conversations and lasting impact. The objectives of this workshop will explore the following: the main anxieties that race evokes in groups and organizations, a psychodynamic understanding of defences to cope with anxities around race, and ways in which to talk around race within an organization.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 308572

Event ID -

Composite ID - 308572

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://sun-e-hr.sun.ac.za →


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