Siyakhula Series for Staff
The course aims to create a humanised ecology in the staff environment, by offering staff with diversity capacity development opportunities such as workshops, dialogues and engagement activities. This allows colleagues to learn from one another, explore attitudes on diversity and culture and share skills to improve the quality of their communication and interaction. The better the socio-cultural awareness of staff, the better SU is able to facilitate a culture of democracy, social justice, wellness and most certainly diversity at SU
Additional Details
Administrator - Letlonkane, Miss Katlego Princess
Sub Category -
Audience - All staff of SU
Objectives - To increase self and socio-cultural awareness of staff; to promote and facilitate intergroup engagement and to promote the transformation of institutional cultures at SU
Success Criteria -
Duration -
Course ID - 281570
Event ID - 1147859
Composite ID - 2815701147859
Total Cost -
Total Duration -
Course Owner - Adams, Ms. Griselda Cecelia
Course Owner Email -
Course Owner Phone - 0218084010