Teamwork and group effectiveness

"The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts" – Aristotle. Without effective teamwork,
the capacity for collaboration and innovation can impact greatly on productivity and staff
morale and, in it's extreme form, holds the danger of great losses to an organisation by
way of absenteeism and high turnover. This workshop will explore the importance of
teamwork in organisational success and how to revive and thrive through effectively
utilising principles such as psychological safety, shared purpose, meaning and impact.

Additional Details

Administrator - Mamabolo, Ms. Mamoshibudi Sara

Sub Category -

Audience - All staff

Objectives - "The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts" - Aristotle. Without effective teamwork, the capacity for collaboration and innovation can impact greatly on productivity and staff morale and, in it's extreme form, holds the danger of great losses to an organisation by way of absenteeism and high turnover. This workshop will explore the importance of teamwork in organisational success and how to revive and thrive through effectively utilising principles such as psychological safety, shared purpose, meaning and impact.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 308569

Event ID -

Composite ID - 308569

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

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