Work-Life Harmony

Constant connectivity, rapidly changing working environments, and mounting personal
commitments can place strain on our finite time resources. The stress associated with an
unbalanced lifestyle is costly, damaging productivity and increasing the risk of poor
health. This workshop will equip leaders and employees to assess their current work-life
balance and develop tools and strategies to sustain and balance work and personal life for
better productivity and well-being.

Additional Details

Administrator - Mamabolo, Ms. Mamoshibudi Sara

Sub Category -

Audience - All staff

Objectives - Constant connectivity, rapidly changing working environments, and mounting personal commitments can place strain on our finite time resources. The stress associated with an unbalanced lifestyle is costly, damaging productivity and increasing the risk of poor health. This workshop will equip leaders and employees to assess their current work-life balance and develop tools and strategies to sustain and balance work and personal life for better productivity and well-being.

Success Criteria -

Duration -

Course ID - 308571

Event ID -

Composite ID - 308571

Total Cost -

Total Duration -

Course Owner -

Course Owner Email -

Course Owner Phone -

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